Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tea Tree Oil

My baby and I have been battling thrush. I debated on whether to share this or not, but decided to as it might help someone else. Thrush is a yeast infection that affects babies in their mouth, diaper area and the Mother, if she is breast feeding. I had this with my second baby, and got over by cutting out sugar and learning a great deal about being more healthy. I am very surprised to have gotten it this time around as I have cut out all refined foods and eat very little sugar if any. So, in my search to treat our thrush the healthy way, I discovered Tea Tree Oil. Many things have helped thrush...and I will include a website that will tell you many things to try using, but I've found that tea tree oil has worked the best and it has many other amazing uses! I bought my Tea Tree Oil at Dave's Nutrition here in Salt Lake City, Utah. I also know that it is available online, perhaps at

Click HERE for thrush

Click HERE for Tea Tree Oil

I will say that during season changes and after my babies I get dandruff...I tried the remedy suggested on that site and it worked! I put about 7-8 drops in my shampoo.