Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Today is Commitment Day.

I am obsessed with learning about health. I love to cook healthy food. I love to exercise. I also love to eat too much and have a hard time staying away from sweets. Today, I have to start being good to myself. I have to start walking the walk and talking the talk. I'm good at giving all sorts of advice about health food and exercise, but I haven't been so great about doing it myself, especially these last few months. I have been inspired by several friends and family members who are losing weight and taking care of themselves. I want to join them. I have to do this publicly. I have to report my progress here for all to see, maybe then I will take it seriously.

I will try to post weekly...I refuse to put how much I weigh on here. I will let you know how much I lose :)

My worst fear...I'll try hard and won't lose anything, but that is just the devil on my shoulder. I have to remind myself that when it gets hard.


Nancy Bair said...

Jenny! I'm so excited for you. We can do this! I have 35 pounds to lose, I have lost almost 19 now and have 16 left! This summer is going to rock!

Liesl said...

If anyone can do it, YOU CAN Jenny! You lost your baby weight so fast and you LOVE healthy stuff! You go girl, you'll figure it out!!!

Lynette said...

Awesome enchilada recipee. I am excited to try it! You rock!