Saturday, April 23, 2011

My New Dumbbells

These new Bowflex dumbbells are my Birthday, Mother's Day, everything present. I am so in love with them! I also pulled out a pull-up bar I have and I also purchased P90X for a great deal, so I am in workout heaven! I know, I'm silly. These weights are so easy to use! I bought the 5-52's. So, I can use as little as 5 pounds or as much as 52 pounds! You adjust the little dial on the side to the weight you want to use and pick them up and start using them! I was getting tired of being pinned to just using the gym for my weight lifting and I'm so excited to have these on a rack in my room and I can do most of what I need to at home.

Just ask to see my biceps...he he!

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