Saturday, October 25, 2008

Eating Clean

I've heard this phrase for years, eating clean and loved it. It truly does describe healthy eating. In all my efforts to try to lose weight over the years, this is the most consistent thing! Clean eating doesn't require you cut out important nutrients found in complex carbohydrates or cutting out good protein found in certain kinds of meat, or cutting out important nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. As I get more into bodybuilding, I'm learning the way to trim down fat and feed your body the healthiest way possible is to eat clean. Let me explain more about this...

I'm sure many of us love certain foods like:
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Boxed Cakes and Brownies
White Pasta
White Bread
Processed cheese
Frozen cartons of Whip Cream
Boxed Puddings and Jello-s
Canned soups and canned meals in general
Most Boxed Crackers like Ritz, Cheese Nips
Candy Bars

I could continue to list these things that are super easy and pretty yummy but most all of them contain hydrogenated oils and frankly, I just can't pronounce all of the ingredients found in most of these. Now, I, Like the rest of you really enjoy a good oreo on occasion! They have to be eaten but not on a regular basis.

I challenge you to find a box or can of food that has simple ingredients...ingredients you can read and know what they's hard to do! I've been a fan of Adam's Peanut Butter for years...why? Because it has three simple ingredients: Peanuts, Peanut oil, salt

Clean eating consists of food in it's most natural form. Chicken, eggs, whole grains, fruits & veggies, heart healthy oils (extra virgin olive oil, expeller pressed oils), Tuna, Beans, etc.

In the last two weeks, I've challenged myself to eat 6 small meals a day and to keep my diet clean. I've lost 12 pounds! No joke! I've cut only boxed, canned garbage from my diet. No cookies, candy, and junk of all kinds. Most of the meals I've put on this blog and will put on this blog will be clean. Is this difficult to do? Yes and no. Yes because I love certain junk like red vines and oreos and will miss eating them often. I will eat them but sparingly :) This is not difficult in the sense that I do not feel tired. I look forward to my next meal (eating every 3 hours), and oddly do not find myself craving anything in particular because my body is being nourished the right way.

To find more info on Clean eating click here.


Kristi said...

That is a great job, losing all that weight. I wish all those junkie foods were good for me!!! You really inspire me to eat healthier and feed my kids better. Thank you

lAuRa said...

Wow, wait ta go Jen! I oughta try that out..if I'm not feeling too lazy...happens a lot, but if ya wanna eat healthy, it definitely takes more planning and discipline but is so worth the benefits!

Lynette said...

Thanks so much Jen!! This is awesome!! I tried 3 recipees last month and I am going to try 3 more this month!! They are awesome!! The Salmon Chowder was so yummy!! I know I will have lots of questions as I learn about this. Keep it all coming!! I am soaking it up!!

Amber Leaders said...

yes great job, your testimony for healthy eating is inspiring.

Chelsea said...

hmmm...does chocolate chip cookie dough count as clean? I mean, it is all natural ingredients. I am asking this as I have a (small) spoonful begging me to taste test!! :)